Best Check Signing Software recommendations

Any company relies on paying clients, suppliers, and staff, but accounting departments face new obstacles every year in completing this fundamental mission. Since the payment industry is surrounded by theft, it is a constant challenge that businesses must guard against. Since automating the check signing method improves the payment workflow's safety and protection, we've put together a list of resources to assist you in deciding which best check signers are best for your company.

In this article, we'll look at how to choose the finest check signing solutions focused solely on the amount of checks an organization processes now or expects to process in the future, as well as businesses that need regular device upgrades. Now let’s look at the best check signers’ solutions available.

•        100 or more checks per check run

The Wycom Enterprise Check Signer is one of the most productive and cost-effective check signing tools on the market. It not only prints and signatures checks safely in one stage, but it also protects all data stored in this server mount device with the most up-to-date encryption.

•        Processing under 100 checks per run.

For this volume of signing, we recommend a check signing software program and one mechanical solution.

THE EzSigner Check Signing Software is a low-cost device, password-protected and provides a safe audit trail report log that records the user's authentication information, including the date, period, printer used, and number of checks issued during the process. The EzSigner may also generate color backgrounds with the inclusion of additional graphics or watermarks. For additional protection and preservation of the stored data, the EzSigner program incorporates encryption into the signature, which is documented in the security audit log.

The Widmer S-3-C single sheet mechanical check signer is a straightforward approach to stable check signing. A safe dual key lock mechanism that controls both the process and access to the signature plate. Auto check signing is available with the Widmer S-3 by simply inserting your check! Widmer S-3-C or Widmer R-3-S are the two options available. Any Widmer device is ideal for short search runs, but it can also do hundreds of tests if required. It comes with a permanent counter and an extra key for security. Aside from these differences, the units are similar. The price range begins at $850.00 and goes up from there.

•         We suggest the Secure Search 9 through AP Technology if you have more than eight check types or if you install new accounts on a regular basis.

The Secure Check is the best check signer for businesses and organizations who have more than eight individual accounts or that need to incorporate or modify accounts often. New check types can be created fast and efficiently. Safe Check provides significant cost savings by removing the need to buy and secure various pre-printed check stock, W9s, invoices, and other types. Since the Secure Check program is a full-service software application, it eliminates the need for separate departments to print quarterly or end-of-year reports.

The Secure Audit Premium Program controls involve exportable CSV files and manually print checks without entering your accounting program. Each time checks are printed, an audit trail would be collected and safely maintained at the host. All Secure Search versions will print a protection watermark over the surface of the check.


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